What To Do About Heartburn During Fasting

This post is in response to a blog reader who asks “James, I have been trying to do a 72 hour fast and been having really bad heartburn. What do you recommend as a way to ease the discomfort”

The first answer is to KEEP FASTING!!

You need to get over these initial discomforts to come out the other side leaner, healthier and stronger…

How To Conquer Hunger When Fasting

OK so this post is going to show you a ‘trick’ to combat hunger when fasting…

This is ONLY for those who have the discipline to complete a 72 hour fast and beyond

One of the things you might find as you start to get leaner and healthier is that when it comes to sleeping when you are fasting your body is wired up and you have so much energy you can’t sleep!

How To Mix Up The Electrolyte Solution (Updated Version)

There have been quite a few blog readers asking how to mix up the electrolyte solution that you can drink whilst fasting..

This is the updated simple version (without baking soda)

Drinking this solution of pink salt and potassium chloride will ensure that your electrolyte levels are kept full and you’ll be able to function at a higher level instead of stuffing your fat face all day…

Is It OK To Lift Weights & Fast?

A common concern is lifting weights hardcore whilst following the Warrior Network protocol… Is it OK? We’re going to clear this up once and for all..

If you are a fat hog beast there is no need to watch this video… You can exercise all you want, fast your fat fucking ass off and get lean and healthy again

IF you are a lean Warrior then this video is for you…

How Do You Start The Warrior Network Fat Loss Protocol?

In this post I’m going to tell you exactly how to start the Warrior Network fat loss protocol which will enable you to get lean & healthy again as you are supposed to be…

Forget wasting your time on dumb ass diet & exercise programs…

They are a waste of time and effort…. just look around you the next time you are out… Most of the population is overweight despite all their efforts…

Fat Hog Beasts Take Up Too Much Space

If you are a fat hog beast do you realize that you are most likely literally ‘spilling over’ into other peoples space?

Not only are you making life uncomfortable for yourself and setting yourself up for sickness, you are also having a negative impact on other people

Watch the video and I’ll explain and I’ll also tell you how to become lean & healthy again