Instead of wasting time & money on dead beat diet routines and damaging your health & metabolism we are going to cut straight to the point…
The fastest an best method to lose fat… This is all you need to know to get lean & healthy…
Instead of wasting time & money on dead beat diet routines and damaging your health & metabolism we are going to cut straight to the point…
The fastest an best method to lose fat… This is all you need to know to get lean & healthy…
One of the biggest reasons that so many people are fat AND sick is not only because of high frequency eating… It’s also because of WHAT they eat…
So in today’s post we are going to discuss what food you should eat…
Fat loss isn’t the only advantage of the Warrior Network fasting regime…
There is another MASSIVE benefit that will completely change your life for the better PERMANENTLY…
We’ll discuss exactly what that is in this video..
If you are a fat hog beast then you do not need to watch this video because you should be following the Warrior Network protocol to get lean and healthy again…
Which means very little eating
WHEN YOU ARE LEAN this video is for you and I will explain when you can eat ‘normally’ again and what ‘normal’ actually is…
This is going to have a different answer depending on your current situation…
This being if you are a lean Warrior or a fat hog beast
The answer to if and when you should track the food you eat and ‘count calories’ is in the video…
When you are lean your most important task is to stay lean!
Never again will you revert to being a fat hog beast if you follow the Warrior Network protocol…
I often talk about OMAD… One feeding per day in a tight eating window, this is optimal for staying lean BUT can you eat more than once per day and stay lean and healthy?