How To Keep The Fat Off

When you have followed the Warrior Network protocol for fat people consistently for enough time to become lean, sexy and healthy again what is next?

You REMAIN that way for ever

The big problem is that so many people complain that they lose fat but then it comes back, here is how to avoid that forever…

Why Does Nobody Listen?

In this post we are going to talk about a VERY IMPORTANT point raised by a blog reader and that is…

Why does no one listen to the Warrior Network protocol for health and fat loss?

Why is is so hard to get people to take action and deploy the simple method to become lean & healthy again..

Will Fasting Help With Hemorrhoids?

This blog post and video is in response to a blog reader who says.. ‘James, I have been having a bad case of hemorrhoids. Can the warrior network protocol help eradicate them for good?’

If you are suffering from this condition then make sure you watch this video now…