Someone posted a comment on one of my videos stating that the reason I am aggressive to fat people is because I’m on steroids…
Let’s discuss that in this video…
Someone posted a comment on one of my videos stating that the reason I am aggressive to fat people is because I’m on steroids…
Let’s discuss that in this video…
This is a response to a blog reader who asks if its OK to take whey protein and other supplements whilst following the Warrior Network protocol
That question is answered in this video…
If you are a fat hog beast what should you be eating?
That is exactly what we’ll discuss in this video…
There are too many fat hog beasts eating themselves into an early grave and committing SUICIDE
So many people these days have a pot belly, even young people!!
There is absolutely no need for it and if anyone has told you that ‘it’s just something that happens as you get older’ then they are talking complete and utter bull shit…
In this video I’ll tell you how to avoid a pot belly forever…
Make no mistake… The Warrior Network protocol is the easiest, fastest and most effective way to transform from being a fat disgusting hob beast to a LEAN WARRIOR
That’s not all it will do though
It will do even more for your health and avoid you going to an early grave…
Most of the population are literally eating themselves to an early death yet most people don’t realize they are doing this
If you want to live a long and healthy life then check out this post now…