How Much Water Should You Drink?

One of the biggest confusions and misconceptions that plagues the health and well being arena of information is the amount of water you should be drinking each day…

There is a simple and reliable way to know how much body your water needs…

Can You Have Cheat Days?

This post will answer this very important question…

If you are following any sort of diet program then most people talk about ‘cheat days’

This video will explain the Warrior Network stance on cheat days and how they will affect your fat loss

Is It OK To Drink Alcohol On The Warrior Network Regime?

If you are a fat hog beast then the answer to this question is obviously NO…

You are not taking anything in apart from the electrolyte solution because you are (literally) fasting your fat ass off

If you are a lean Warrior then if you want to drink alcohol then follow the instructions in the video…

Will Jogging Make You Lean?

You see it often… people jogging, in the gym and in the streets, most of them are doing it primarily because they want to lose body fat…

This is good.. BUT does jogging make you lean? Why is there still joggers that are fat and sweating and huffing like big wobbly hog beasts month after month, year after year?